5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Only a week after writing Chromebook, First Thoughts I find myself writing some closing thoughts on my Chromebook experience as the Lenovo n20p Google Chromebook went back to Google yesterday. The the discovery of a dead pixel (or pixels) on the lower right side of the screen which was the final straw.  read more ...


So it looks like Google are throwing in the towel on Google Glass, for now at least. I don't think anyone is very surprised. Even here in nerd city I don't think I've seen a single pair whereas I have seen people sporting Android Wear watches and Pebble watches. I must admit I have been tempted by a smart watch however for me they fail it three ways:  read more ...


So the Google Chromecast that Beth bought me for my birthday has been fun. On Netflix I've now watched seasons 1 to 4 of The Good Wife (some of which I'd seen before, especially the later episodes, but not the earlier seasons) and I'm now trying House of Cards but to be honest ...  read more ...


I've been meaning to blog for a while now about the Google Chromecast that Beth bought me for my birthday and while I sit here and wait for our house file server to re-build its RAID-1 array it seems like a good time.  read more ...


Like most smartphone users who've been using the same platform for a while I've now pretty much run out of new things to install. But today a discovery of a neat thing which I thought I'd share as it solved a problem which other people might have too, if in a slightly different way.  read more ...


An article in The Register today made me realise that the annoying search widget which Google had inflicted on me in Android 4.n was rather more than I thought but was actually a Siri competitor.  read more ...


As I understand it when DARPA were first looking at what eventually became the Internet back in the early 60s making sure it was resilient was high on the list. It was still the cold war and having bits of the Net taken out by those pesky Russians was not on.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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