5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I joined our local library recently because, unlike Milton where we had to make do with a mobile library two days a month, Nairn has a little library in the High Street with two members of staff, Internet access on both PCs and WiFi, the works.  read more ...


I have, I confess, being buying new toys. I blame Beth. Oh, and Amazon. You'll remember that a couple of weeks ago we cycled to the mouth of the Findhorn to see the seals. Beth was on her snazzy new fat bike and I was on my Marin San Rafael hybrid. ...  read more ...


I've been a bit lax about writing about the move since my first post mainly because it's been a bit non-stop. Anyway, here's a brief overview.  read more ...


The story so far.

Despite our new home having had a phone line and ADSL until the day we took possession on 24th March BT OpenReach decided that there was no phone line here so we would have to pay for a site visit to re-commission the line. ...  read more ...


Now that we're back in Milton I can safely post publicly about events of the last week so here goes (photos of me by Beth throughout).  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: