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Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


... to wibble today but I will say "good luck" to Obama - he's the president the US needs to give it back some dignity.


I've not been well today but that did give me the opportunity to watch the last 2.5 episodes of Commander in Chief.  read more ...


Thanks to Malcolm I've found a new way to while away a few hours. The TV series Commander in Chief stars Geena Davis ...  read more ...


I've written before about Barack Obama. I was first alerted to him by Malcolm at Make Votes Count who are one of my customers. ...  read more ...


I can't sleep so I'm lying here on the sofa bashing away at the laptop until my brain decides to shut down again. I think part of the trouble is that I ache from yesterday's walk so I've popped a couple of paracetamol and codeine...  read more ...


This is the first time I've paid much attention to the US presidential contest. But this time around a combination of being a West Wing fan ...  read more ...


Well, we finally made it into The New York Times after their visit before Xmas. The article is online here but that link will only work for a few days so here's the text below ...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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