5x12 pentomino tiling

Favourite Toy


I was asked by someone yesterday what my favourite toy was when I was a child (it wasn't an idle question, it was work related) and so I sent them a photo. So let me introduce you all to Bobby. He was my first Christmas present so he was 49 years old last Christmas. I think he's a Chad Valley bear but I'm not 100% certain.

Up until the age of about ten when I blew the candles out on my birthday cake and made a wish I always wished he could talk. Sadly he lost his eyes at some point and he's a bit threadbare in places but he's not in bad condition for his age.

Tags: photos Written 28/04/10
File Name:p1000628.jpg
File Size:3108KB
Date/Time Taken:2010-04-27 16:08:15
Exposure Time:1/30s
F Number:f/3.9
Focal Length:10mm
Focal Length In 35mm Film:59mm

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