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National Health Action


For the first time in my life I appear to be the member of a political party ... well, sort of: I've signed up as a member of the National Health Action Party. Lead by two doctors, one of which is Dr Richard Taylor who was independent MP for Wyre Forest for two parliaments between 2001 and 2010.

National Health Action logo They're campaigning to save the NHS, which we're sleepwalking into destroying at the moment thanks to the action of our current coalition government and now, with the unexpected by-election at Eastleigh, they're having to field their first parliamentary candidate rather sooner than I suspect they would have wanted.

Anyway I signed up as a member a few days ago and now, to help with the Eastleigh campaign, I've sent them a bigger donation as that's all I can easily do from here. If you want to help save te NHS perhaps you should too?

Tags: health, national politics Written 08/02/13

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