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More Wibbling Needed


My best mate1 Hugo was complaining that I wasn't wibbling much here lately so I'll make more effort.

It's been an interesting couple of weeks. I've not been well for a start. As long time readers will know there's nothing new there but this has been one of those annoying "clusters" which I have sometimes. Triggered by a long meeting it went on for a week and a half with frequent migraines, both with and without the headache (if this makes no sense to you then you don't have migraines) and in between times I felt lethargic and indecisive. All classic stuff.

Finally kicked it on Tuesday in a curious way in that the day started with a classic migraine in that I woke up with the headache (which I'd not been doing the rest of the time). Took my usual drugs and topped them up with some paracetomol to finish the job. Then sat about feeling crap waiting for the recovery phase to complete. Which it did. By 2pm, so earlier than usual. And I suddenly felt clear headed. For the first time in twelve days. Hurrah!

Which meant I could get on with sorting out the web site for our new campaign Pledge for the Park and for the proposed local trust in time for us to launch the new campaign yesterday, it being 100 days before the Park is due to close.

Yesterday morning I did two radio interviews (BBC Radio Cambridgeshire, who took me live2 - always more exciting) and Star FM (who recorded it for their afternoon bulletins) and I spoke to Laura from Cambridge Crier, who promised to run the story as the lead today (which they did).

Then I went to my friend Jenny's swearing in as mayor3. It was nice to be there to see it and I got lunch courtesy of City residents council tax! I also got to chinwag with Rachel Extance, my favourite reporter from Cambridge News, who're also planning to run the Pledge for the Park story. Excellent.

Afterwards while she got on with her mayoring I took Jennifer (the new lady mayoress), Jenny's mother and sister, and a couple of other people to King's for coffee giving me a chance to do my "I'm a non-resident member of college and these are my guests" line at the Porters' Lodge as King's is closed to visitors at the moment. I like doing that.

Then they all floated off leaving me, Jennifer and AN Other. "What shall we do now?" we said. "I know," said the lady mayoress "let's got to the beer festival and have a beer". So we did.

The sun was shining and it was a nice day to be there. I bumped into friends inside (always the way at the beer festival) and I had two halves of mild (the Hook Norton 3.2% dark mild I can recommend) so I went home happy ... if slightly tipsy.

So a good day after a fairly crappy week or so.

  1. as distinct from my best beloved
  2. available online here as a 4.7MB MP3
  3. BBC did a nice report with a video.

Tags: country park, local politics, press, web design Written 25/05/07

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