« | Another walk to Lode |
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We walked to Lode again today with Gareth, Suzanne and their labradoodle, Bess who's a very fine young dog and got on just fine with Jake.
You can find the route we took here on Google Maps. That's actually the route we did before. What we did was very slightly different at the far end where instead of jinked right into the wood we walked further down the railway line past the wood and the next field before turning right to pass the gauging station and walk to Anglesey Abbey mill to pick up the leat but it was basically the same.
It was a lovely day, a fresh breeze but the sun was out and the first early spring flowers are in bloom in the woods: snowdrops and winter aconites. I took this photo of the latter:
We also paid our respects at the lightning stone which I've mentioned here before as Gareth and Suzanne hadn't seen it before - it really is a singular thing.
Tags: dogs, walks | Written 27/01/08 |
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