5x12 pentomino tiling



I got up at 5am today for to go to the loo (which for us boys means going outside and finding a bit of dry stone wall) to find that more snow had come down in the night. Not a huge amount but there was a good inch or so on the ground and over the top of the trucks. I was the first person out so got to make the first footprints in the virgin snow.

By the next time I got up, at about 7:30am, there were a few others up and tea was made so I started frying breakfasts.

Jake out in the snow

The weather continued to look pretty bleak with high winds and occasional flurries of snow so Steve and Beth went off for a low level walk to Settle and I followed later in the Discovery to go a shop for the few things we'd mis-catered for in the shop: in particular chocolate bars, of which we are getting through vast quantities, but also milk, baked beans, oil and matches.

We had lunch at the Naked Man café - their home made pea and ham soup with a roll and a pot of tea ... and cakes afterwards. Then off to Cave & Crag to stock up on outdoor stuff. We bought a new tent (which is well overdue: my old one pre-dates Beth by some time, I think I bought it for my 30th birthday!) and Beth bought some more bits for her next adventure.

What else to tell? Last night's supper (green chicken curry and pork penang courtesy of Gareth and Suzanne) was followed tonight by lamb chilli from Debs and Robert and was equally fine.

Jake is still finding Bess a bit hard going. Bess is trying so hard to be friendly but he really doesn't want to know - he finds her presence among us ... unsettling I think.

Tags: Beth, dogs, Fawber, food, Jake, photos Written 22/03/08

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