5x12 pentomino tiling


These pages use three free fonts:

  • The body text is in Lusitana by Ana Paula Megda from Google fonts and, unusually for me, is a serif font. I'm normally a sans fan but I fancied a change.

  • The main heading is another serif font, Alegreya SC, but it's a small caps. This is a follow up from my previous use of the New Yorker font.

  • The monospace text is Fantasque Sans Mono by Jany Belluz from the Open Font Library1 which was recommended to me by Matthew Bloch. I think it's rather cool and it has some nice little bits of loopy business on things like k and y which I like. It is coloured #006633 to make it stand out from the body text (although this is now less of an issue now that I'm using a serif font for body text) and scaled to 91% to make its height match with Lusitana.

The pentominoes page theme is my own design derived from a work on Wikipedia and is used under a Creative Commons licence.

  1. Although I'm now hosting the font files myself as their server seems to be permanently slashdotted which was making my page load times slow.
The Whisky Advent Calendar

My Christmas present to me was, for the second year running, a Master of Malt whisky advent calendar. So this was 24 30ml bottles of whisky for £119.95 so that's 720ml or about a bottle of whisky in total and for that price it seemed pretty reasonable to try so different whiskies.  read more ...

More from the Wiblog ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: