5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

Stroke Weblog


Wow, the last time I posted here was over four years ago. Which I guess is good news as it means nothing significant has happened. And that's the truth of it. I am still, touch wood, seizure free after four years and three months on Keppra.  read more ...


Today my new driving licence arrived in the post. They sent it two days ago, on the anniversary of my last seizure. So well done DVLA for processing this in good time (although I did re-apply on the earliest possible date so as to give them as much time as I could).  read more ...


As I mentioned before the doctor at our surgery who let me have a supply of somatriptan injectors was also keen to explore prophylaxis. Again.  read more ...


I talked here before about using my friend's sumatriptan injector and how successful it was. She actually gave me two more so when the migs flared up again I used one and, although it wasn't as quick as the first time, the whole episode last only a couple of hours rather than the usual ten to eighteen.  read more ...


As my last post said I was, at that point four weeks migraine free. That continued for seven weeks and then, seven weeks to the day after my last migraine, I had another one.  read more ...

« From the beginning
I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: