5x12 pentomino tiling

Companies House Cause Confusion


"Huh?" You're asking as you look at your statement, "what's CHEWEBFILING-DOM INTERNET when it's at home?".

And that's the very question I asked myself when I got my credit card statement. They had charged £15 to my Morgan Stanley credit card in early September. So I phoned up Morgan Stanley. After two minutes on hold and then the usual faffing about with security the bloke I spoke to said he couldn't tell me any more than I was seeing on the statement so he would have to transfer me to their "dispute resolution team".

Fair enough. He did that ... and I got a fax machine whistling in my ear.

I hung up and phoned back (all credit to Morgan Stanley it's an 0800 number) and went through the whole palaver again. This time I actually got through to dispute resolution. "We've not got much more than you" she said "all I can tell you is that it's government related in some way".

Kerching! The penny dropped. I filed our company's annual return online last month. It cost £15. You'd think they could ensure whoever is doing the card processing for them used a more meaningful transaction string.

Anyway posting this here should should ensure future Google searches lead people to an explanation (that route failed for me) and save them twenty minutes of frustration on the phone.

(Oh yes, and having thought about this some more I suspect it's meant to be read as Companies House Electronic WEB FILING. Well obviously!)

Written 05/10/06

Previous comments about this article:

On 19/10/06 at 8:52am Paul Oldham wrote:

This page has caused some interest. I'd already had one company director email me to thank me for helping him out. Today I had someone asking why he was paying us money. I've re-written this page as a result to make it clearer that it's Companies House taking your dosh. Not The Hug.

On 01/11/06 at 2:27pm Marc Williams wrote:

Thanks very much for this. You are spot on. I asked myself what the £15 for chewebfiling was and so googled it and found your article. You have saved me at least 20 minutes!

On 02/11/06 at 1:54pm Pierre Graves wrote:

I too did a Google search looking for the origin of the charge on our account. Wonder why Companies House wasn't found??Your (old) blog is the most useful web content I've found today! thank you.

On 18/11/06 at 10:12am Simon Quin wrote:

I had exactly the same thoughts as you. Well done for posting your experiences, a very useful public service!

On 23/11/06 at 3:54pm Andy Coleman wrote:

Well done Hug This has saved me a chunk of time as well. I think I will take it up with Companies house and ask them to use a more meaningful reference in future. This must loose a lot of people a lot of time.

On 29/11/06 at 12:24pm Barbara Fletcher wrote:

Followed the search exactly as mentioned earlier off my Company credit card transaction and found this site through Google. THANK YOU SO MUCH for saving my time. It is very thoughtful of you to take the time to do this and very much appreciated..TYPICAL GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT!!..It's a good job that some of us think a little bit more logically......Cheers, Barbara

On 10/12/06 at 4:48pm Bella wrote:

Thanks a million!! You saved me so much time!! You are a gem!Merry Christmas

On 14/12/06 at 11:49am Nick Dekker wrote:

Very useful - legend.

On 01/05/07 at 6:24pm xav ier wrote:


CHEWEBFILING... CHEW EB FILING ?... was starting to find a restaurant note or something related !

Many thanks.

On 21/06/07 at 1:38pm sue baylis wrote:

Many thanks for your information. Yes it all makes sense when you know! Good job I went on the web immediately rather than ring the credit card company. Only took a few mins to get correct answer. Thank you for putting it on the web

On 28/06/07 at 11:37pm Audrey Marsden wrote:

Ditto all of the above - saved me loads a time!! thanks xxx

On 25/07/07 at 12:33pm Liz Hopper wrote:

Thank you so much, saved me hours of investigation. greatly appreciated.

On 03/09/07 at 9:34pm Naveen wrote:

Thanks a lot. Saved me the hassle of calling up Morganstanley and unnecessary tensions.

On 10/09/07 at 4:54pm Lana Sherrard wrote:

Thank you. Great Help. I will in future share my knowledge on this site.

On 02/10/07 at 12:34am Michelle Harry wrote:

Thank you I was just about to call my bank and thought I would check google, you saved me a sleepless night, great peice of info!

On 22/11/07 at 12:20pm Helen Raw wrote:

I too googled chwebfiling - thank you for posting - has saved me hours 'on hold' to Barclaycard!

Thanks a million

On 22/12/07 at 12:43pm Rob Nelson wrote:

Had I been robbed? Thankfully, no. My heartfelt thanks for providing a quick resolution of a dark mystery.

On 29/01/08 at 12:58pm Nigel Smith wrote:

Many thanks for posting this article. It seems to be the only page on the Internet that explains CHWEBFILING-DOM.

On 31/01/08 at 7:31pm M B wrote:


I had no idea what was it

On 04/02/08 at 1:59pm C Brown wrote:

Many thanks for this. I had no idea what it was.

On 04/02/08 at 6:15pm Kathleen wrote:

I did EXACTLY the same thing! Thanks very much for sorting it out for me. That entry's been bugging me for MONTHS!

On 20/02/08 at 7:10am Iain MacKellar wrote:

Thank you Paul

My Morgan Stanly mystery is solved

Great stuff to be the only site which google found

On 22/02/08 at 10:17am Anna Evans wrote:

Many thanks for this saved me loads of time with telephone calls & sifting through receipts.

On 23/02/08 at 10:30am nitin bhatt wrote:

Thanks, saved a lot of time and work!

On 10/03/08 at 10:00am EDDIE HARGREAVES wrote:

saved me the trouble of ringing mastercard regards eddie

On 12/03/08 at 3:11pm Alex wrote:

Thank you for saving my time!

On 19/03/08 at 4:16pm Bob Jasley wrote:

Just when I think all hope of finding out what this is, is lost, a final Google search brings up your comments. Thank you very much indeed for your posting!

On 20/03/08 at 12:12pm H C wrote:

as above comments - ta!

On 28/03/08 at 9:29pm Christine wrote:

Thanks so much!!!! You saved me nagging my husband for the receipts for his business purchases again!

On 31/03/08 at 7:33pm M Ruiz wrote:

Thank you. Like the others... not a clue what that was. I can't believe this is the only reference to this matter in the whole world wide web!

On 04/04/08 at 8:20pm PAUL wrote:


On 07/04/08 at 8:12pm richard wal wrote:

thanks saved me hours or, what the hell was that for??!!

On 19/04/08 at 12:25pm John Allen wrote:

Thanks for taking the time for posting this. Saved me loads of time and trouble.

On 30/04/08 at 11:46am Byrne Andrew wrote:

Thank you so much for the helpful info, sitting here for hours trying to work it out. You send this to Companies House as a petition to be more descriptive...they would not take this from Companies when they are asking for info. Cheers

On 03/05/08 at 1:37pm K A wrote:

Just want to join everyone else in expressing my thanks

On 19/05/08 at 12:15pm JONES GILL wrote:



On 21/05/08 at 3:43pm Al Fleming wrote:

Thank goodness I googled this and found your site rather than spending hours on the phone to my credit card company!

On 26/05/08 at 10:28am terence smith wrote:

thanks to this site it saved me time in tracing deb.

On 27/05/08 at 1:46pm Oluseye Fatimilehin wrote:

Thanks very much for your initiative. It saved me money and time.

On 02/06/08 at 2:23pm David Perkins wrote:

Many thanks for your help - perhaps the title is more obvious in scottish!

On 09/06/08 at 2:12pm Mr Hall wrote:

Thanks a lot for this - saved me a lot of hassle phoning the bank :-)

On 13/06/08 at 2:11pm Gill Jones wrote:

Thanks so much for saving me time and effort. Cheers Mate.

On 18/06/08 at 10:50am melanie amor wrote:

thanks for that, saved me loads of time finding out what we had paid for!!!

On 20/06/08 at 9:21am A. Shukla wrote:

thanx for save my time for solutions of this issue

On 17/07/08 at 9:11am James wrote:

I'm an accountant and completing a set of accounts and this has been a big help

On 17/07/08 at 11:01am Peter Doyle wrote:

Excellent info has saved ages going thru the Company Credit Card Statement !!!

On 22/07/08 at 4:37pm B S wrote:

Thanks a lot... you save my time as well.. cheers

On 23/07/08 at 3:38pm Eunice McClusky wrote:

Thank you for taking the time to explain the meaning of CHWEBFILING.

On 23/07/08 at 4:55pm SJP wrote:

Thank you - we spent ages trying to work out what it was!!! I googled and found this blog - Fantastic! thanks for your help!

On 23/07/08 at 8:12pm Sam Johnson wrote:

It is UK's companies House

On 24/07/08 at 2:01pm Malcolm Wallace wrote:

You are a Legend! This was doing my head in.

On 31/07/08 at 3:14pm CA Sillars wrote:

You have saved me hours of frustration searching for the invoice [that never was]. Thanks so much. You are a star.

On 06/08/08 at 2:49pm Andrew Brownage wrote:

Hi, great help for me thanks as well. Why the hell people can't put bloody proper lines on what the thing is is beyond me. Talk about confusion. chwebfiling.Dom OF COURSE ITS COMPANIES HOUSE, we all learned that didn't we its like ABC.


Cheers anyway

On 12/08/08 at 1:27pm Roxy Lawes wrote:

I can't believe it's nearly 2 years after you wrote this artical and it's still the only site that google picks up when you put in CHWEBFILING-DOM you'd have thought Companies House would have put something on their site by now! You've saved me some very valuable Bookkeeping time! Thanks xx

On 12/08/08 at 3:19pm Bruce Smith wrote:

Thanks Very Much

Very Clever idea

On 15/08/08 at 1:22pm Cathy Palmer wrote:

Thanks for writing the article - I also did a google search on chwebfiling.

On 20/08/08 at 10:36am Angus Thornes wrote:

Well done and thank you very much.

On 21/08/08 at 9:54am Mel Sirett wrote:

Thanks for this! I had exactly the same thing on the credit card. Saved me loads of time hunting it down! x

On 25/08/08 at 11:31am Relieved of Manchester wrote:

You are a star ! Saved me (and so many others) a load of time and hassle ! ! !

On 26/08/08 at 9:40am william oldroyd wrote:

might only be £15.00 to some people but i am a yorkshireman and it would bug me forever. brilliant to have it sorted in seconds . It also shows again the lack of respect and consideration from the "tax collectors" for the honest taxpayer. It can't be difficult to have it detailed as "companies house"

On 27/08/08 at 10:45am Larayne Reeman wrote:

Well done, thanks for this article and all your comments!!! As you say saved stacks of time.

On 28/08/08 at 2:40pm Bennie wrote:

Thanks for posting this....... most usefull, unlike the govt itself!

On 29/08/08 at 10:50am Rob K wrote:

Thanks a million!

On 03/09/08 at 11:25am Rhiannon Rowley wrote:

Out of the darkness comes light ...... you're a star!

On 10/09/08 at 10:58am Mike P wrote:

Saved me many hours / phone calls - Thanks

On 12/09/08 at 9:23pm Mike Warren wrote:

you just saved me a load of time too - thanks - still the only site that came up for CHWEBFILING

On 14/09/08 at 12:23am John Bosley wrote:

This is ridiculous isn't it? What I don't still understand that I have had two payments taken out of my account on the same day for £15 and I haven't done a tax return - cn't rejmember what I could have done that has lost me £30!

On 22/09/08 at 9:19pm M M wrote:

Another vote of thanks for clearing up this mystery on my card!

On 25/09/08 at 2:23pm M B wrote:

And still it performs its excellent purpose - many thanks. Mick.

On 02/10/08 at 11:37am Seamus Smyth wrote:

Well done all we need now is for Companies House to read this rather than us. Thanks for taking the time to write this down and post.

On 02/10/08 at 12:01pm Paul wrote:

Funnily enough I did write to Companies House customer services only yesterday when I realised, having looked at the referrer logs, that the comments here are only the tip of the iceberg. Around 3,000 people a year are now finding this page via a search for CHWEBFILING-COM!

On 05/10/08 at 12:02pm Vicki Richards wrote:

Having been accused by my husband of using his card again and not keeping a record of what it was for, I went straight to my lap top and typed in CHWEBFLING-DOM in the address bar. I was delighted to find your explanation. Many thanks!

He should have known......... I would have spent more than £15!!

On 22/10/08 at 6:45pm Bob G wrote:

My immediate thought was, whose ripping me off this time! Can't believe they set an example like this of how not to do things. They make life difficult if you put a comma in the wrong place in your Return, and then go onto misrepresent themselves like this. Thanks for clearing it up!

On 04/11/08 at 2:19pm Matt Petrela wrote:

You're a genius!! thanks for shortcutting this for us.

On 12/11/08 at 1:53pm Andy G wrote:

Thanks, first result on google! Why can't they just put 'Companies House' !?!?!?

On 17/11/08 at 5:18pm Vanessa P wrote:

Thank You, you surely helped me!!

On 18/11/08 at 12:52am V B wrote:

Now I remember,my son filed a Return for his old nanny's freehold management company after supper one evening...thank goodness I found this site or I'd have been going spare wondering who had helped himself to £15 out of my Mastercard account.Many thanks.Pity Companies House hasn't seen fit to amend the crdit card debit reference.

On 19/11/08 at 1:27pm SHARON MC wrote:

Thank You, This was driving me mad on the company statements. This has been a great help Thank You .

On 23/11/08 at 11:12am Roger Edwards wrote:

Having recently had a number of fraudulent bills charged to my credit card and it taking considerable effort and time to resolve the matter satisfactorily I thought "Oh No, not again!"

Your site has saved me a lot of time and worry - I can't thank you enough.

On 05/12/08 at 11:08am Sarah wrote:

Thanks saved me loads of time!

On 16/12/08 at 10:38am Davy G wrote:

Still the only source of info on this issue. You would think that Companies House would include this in some FAQ that was scanned by google!

On 08/01/09 at 5:46pm Teresa Walker wrote:

Thank you - I went through the same process with my credit card company, then googled CHEWEBFILING-DOM INTERNET to find your article, very helpful

On 09/01/09 at 10:09am Alf Fleming wrote:

Hi -- many thanks for the time saving answer to our confusion, hopefully Companies House will take these comments on board, well done.

On 14/01/09 at 5:12pm Frances Maksinski wrote:

yet another thank you for saving me time and annoyance in finding out what this item on my credit card statement was - you're definitely providing a public service here (unlike companies house!)

On 17/01/09 at 9:51am peter jenkins wrote:

Thanks and since 2006 ...still no change from Companies House! Has anybody told them?

On 04/02/09 at 3:18pm Amar K wrote:

It's appearing at the moment as COMP HSE FILE-DOM if I'm not mistaken.

On 04/02/09 at 3:22pm Paul wrote:

Hurrah, my work here is done then! About time too.

On 18/02/09 at 7:34pm Kat E$ wrote:

Thank you so much.

On 27/02/09 at 8:12pm D EH wrote:

Thanks for this page and the recent update. It's number 1 on Google and saved me all the confusion and chasing around I would otherwise have to do! Got to be the best forum posting I've ever come across!

On 06/03/09 at 10:46am Kumari Madawala wrote:

Thanks a lot for publishing ur experience for everyones' use. I was wondering when I see that in the statement. Welldone!

On 01/04/09 at 2:52pm Jade H wrote:

Thank you - very useful!

On 02/04/09 at 2:18pm Eric Greenwood wrote:

Many thanks for your time and effort. It has obviously saved a lot of people a lot of time & expense.

On 15/04/09 at 2:33pm Paula Crompton wrote:

The description has changed our visa statement (company cards) reads COMP HSE FILE-DOM so I googled it and up this page came. Still the dopes can't just say Companies House!!


On 02/05/09 at 11:30am David T wrote:

COMP HSE FILE-DOM I presumed someone had charged me for a DOMain name.

Why not just :


On 13/05/09 at 8:17pm Michelle R wrote:

Thank you!

On 28/05/09 at 11:57am Shiv Yadave wrote:

SAME PROBLEM. Just googled it and found your article.

MANY MANY thanks

On 08/06/09 at 6:53pm Paul Fox wrote:

You're an unselfish star, Paul

On 26/06/09 at 12:53pm Julie C wrote:

How grateful I am for this page...it's the first year I've filed online.

COMP HSE FILE-DOM on my statement. Thought it was something to do with Health & Safety Executive with whom I have no connection.

My credit card company may charge £5 admin if a query on a transaction turns out to be valid so you've saved me time, worry and money.


On 01/07/09 at 9:22am Richard Williams wrote:

That's odd? - I ordered on their service last week and have just checked my bank account and it clearly displays "COMPANIES HSE WEB" - pretty clear to me! - Perhaps it depends on who you bank with as what what is displayed as obviosuly they must be sending the correct infomation.

On 29/07/09 at 1:07pm GBENGA OMOMO wrote:

Thanks for your effort to post this on the net. Your write up saved me valuable time. Can some body please tell Company House to do something about this confusion?

On 27/08/09 at 2:58pm Chris Trotter wrote:


On 28/08/09 at 6:54pm Peter Richards wrote:

Coo-o-o-oolio. Thanks!

On 03/09/09 at 2:57pm Steven wrote:

Cheers, Much Obliged

On 07/09/09 at 9:08am SomeOne WhoKnows wrote:

Don't blame Companies House - Blame your Bank/Card Issuer - They're the culprits by not displaying the correct information!.

On 27/09/09 at 12:54pm Jennifer wrote:

What a star!! Thanks mate.

On 09/10/09 at 4:46pm Elle Thornton wrote:

Legend - Thanks!

On 29/12/11 at 3:42pm S B wrote:

Even this late on your post has helped. Catching up on old accounts and came across it on my statement. ? What the hell is that? Did suspect something official but not obvious. Is now. Many thanks

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