Beth's pages
I'm part of the-hug, and a bit of a Linux geek having first installed it from when the distro of choice was Slackware and the kernel version started with a "0.9".
I've moved on a bit, dabble occasionally in Gentoo, but mainly run Ubuntu. At least until systemd is pushed onto us.
As of 2016 we have moved to Nairn in the north east of Scotland.
After we moved I thought I'd look at getting a mountain bike. There's lots of local paths and tracks worthy of an explore on a bike. Not to mention the vast beaches east and west of us. And the Culbin Forest not only has miles of tracks, but a few mtb runs hidden amongst the undergrowth. Somehow though, I have managed to end up with a fatbike. This is a mountain bike with oversized tyre. Anything over 4inches wide gets dubbed a fatty. When I spotted a last years model selling relatively cheaply, I fell for it.
Old projects and interests
In November 2009 I bought myself a new camera and a few days later decided I would try to take some photo's with it every day for a year, and post just one each day. Photo365 is the name for this project.
My old Lightweight
Here's a picture of my old Lightweight in
it's usual state of being worked on, hence the
jacked up front and a rear wheel chocked.
It has since gone to the Great Scrapheap In The Sky.