Of snow and stuff

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 108/282 munros.

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 15/221 Corbetts.

Is it really Monday the 16th already?! What an amazing time. I've had pretty good weather overall, a few poor days and some real stunners all mixed in. I've felt pretty good too. Not so dog tired as my last trip up here. And despite a big scare with my knee right at the beginning it's been awesome. The view from the top of a Munro in winter, with snow capped mountains, deep blue skys and even the odd fluffy cloud, still holds me spellbound. It's indescribable. Of course, getting to the top is only half the battle. One has to get home safely again, wherever home is that night. I was reminded of this on the last Munro; Meall nan Tarmachan, a slip and slide can happen so easily and whilst that one has only given me a sore shoulder, it could have been very different.

The highlight of the trip was of course getting to the top of Ben Nevis. The pictures just don't do it justice, nor does refering to the "mountain track" as the 'tourist path' at least not in winter. More about the trip later when I try to remember what I've been up to and post some of my photo's. I really must try to write stuff at the time, or maybe it's occured to me I should have a dictaphone - must look up what's available these days.

Another great highlight was taking Ailsa out for a walk in the hills behind her home; the Crianlarich Youth Hostel. It wasn't a high walk, or long. Just being in the woods, the snow, and amongst the hills in such great doggy company was so great. I wore her out tho. She was a bit stiff on her old leggies for a couple of days. 13years old and still in the hills is no bad.

So home tomorrow. I'm not sad this time. I know I'll be back and I'll be able to do more. The snow has been great and has pushed my winter skills knowledge and experience to the limit, but I am no expert; it's scary wondering if I am are reading the snow pack well enough to be safe. I'm looking forward to my return in slightly warmer weather, the spring colours, and hopefully my knee and shoulder will hurt less! Drugs also tomorrow, my jaw reminded me about it a couple of days ago.

I'll catch up on photos and and back-fill trips reports when I'm home.

Tags: walkabout 2010 Written 15/03/10 

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