Carn an Tuirc, Cairn of Claise, Glas Maol, and Creag Leacach

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Instead of Beinn Eighe in the rain I suggested to Anna a round of the 6 munros east of Glenshee ski centre. She bit my hand off. For some reason, possibly due to lightness of foot, I decided to wear my leaky trail shoes yet again. The goretex liner has given up at the edge where the shoe flexes with each footfall. And this I knew was going to be a boggy walk after a week of rain. D'oh.

Date started:01/06/19
Distance:10.3 miles
Time taken:6:31
Moving time:5:29
Average speed:1.89mph
Maximum speed:3.57mph

Getting up early in Nairn the sun was shining, the mountain weather forecast was still good. After the long drive to Glenshee I found a space for Florence in the tiny car park before the ski centre to wait for Anna. The plan being to then drive up to the end of the return track, leave the van, and drive back to the start. It worked flawlessly. Although I was confused by Anna's new car.

Carn an Tuirc ahead
Carn an Tuirc ahead

The Cairnwell
The Cairnwell

Almost immediately the ground was wet, on every footstep a small puddle formed around my shoes. Wet feet was going to be guaranteed. A large group had set a little while before us and we could see them on the hill ahead. We would meet them a couple of times as they stopped for lunch/etc. Many other people were heading the same way too. Our pace matched each other well. If anything Anna was very slightly faster than me. Rain came in soon after starting. Not hard, light drizzly, or smirr I think the Scots would say. I took few photos, but Anna likes her photo taken.

Anna on Carn an Tuirc
Anna on Carn an Tuirc

Me on Carn an Tuirc
Me on Carn an Tuirc (a rare photo!)

I left the navigation to Anna since she wanted to become more confident. It was Carn an Tuirc that I realised I had become dis-orientated. I expected Cairn of Claise to be to our right, but it was directly ahead. Anna took a quick compass bearing to confirm it was our next destination. With the weather continuing to close in around us we decided to leave Tolmount and Tom Buidhe for another day.

Cairn of Claise
Cairn of Claise

Anna at Cairn of Claise
Anna at Cairn of Claise

Tolmount, possibly
Tolmount, possibly

Looking to Glas Maol
Looking to Glas Maol

Other than damp feet I really enjoyed this walk. The time and effort passed easily. Lots of happy people about. A comfortable pace. And a gorgeous looking ridge to finish off.

Anna at Glas Maol summit trig point
Anna at Glas Maol summit trig point

Creag Leacach, a fine ridge
Creag Leacach, a fine ridge

Anna at Creag Leacach
Anna at Creag Leacach

Tags: munro, outdoor, scotland Written 01/06/19 

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