The White Mounth - Lochnagar and 4 other munros

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As Anna was going to be in Kintail and the weekend looked nice, which made a change, I fancied a long walk possibly on my own. I'd been eyeing up this walk for some time. On the off-chance of anything better I was browsing the Scottish Women's Walking Group and rather serendipitously spotted this walk as an event for Saturday. Game on then. Mentioning it to Anna she swapped. Which turned out pretty lucky as the weather on the west coast was forecast to not be as good as the east.

Date started:24/08/19
Distance:18.2 miles
Time taken:9:30
Moving time:8:05
Average speed:2.25mph
Maximum speed:3.86mph

I drove down to the Spittal of Glen Muick on Friday evening, hoping I'd be able to kip overnight in the car park. It was fine, lots of cars and a few other campervans. After a quiet night the morning was breezy and relatively fresh with few or no midges.

On the way to Lochnagar, with Conachcraig backdrop
On the way to Lochnagar, with Conachcraig backdrop

Lochnagar crags
Lochnagar crags

As is typical I managed to forget to fire up the gps until a couple of minutes in to the walk where we all stopped off at the toilets, which were grim as a grim thing. And being sheltered from the wind by the woods, were midgy as hell.

When we got going again Anna was on full steam ahead, and stayed that way for the rest of the day.

Looking back to the Spittal of Glen Muick
Looking back to the Spittal of Glen Muick

Jean having a lark
Jean having a lark

It was a fair walk to the first munro, Lochnagar, the wind was strong and whistling across the plateau with some force. Distant views were little hazy. Approaching Lochnaga the crags above the loch, striking. Jean jumped for joy on a block very close to the edge! Kirsten would only stand on it and grin. I didn't even try!

Looking down the Glas Allt
Looking down the Glas Allt

Cac Cairn Beag - Lochnagar
Cac Cairn Beag - Lochnagar

The summit of Lochnagar is called Cac Carn Beag, which translates literally as the shitty little hill. Shame I completely missed taking a photo of the view indicator as I was rushed by the others.

Lochnagar summit trigpoint
Lochnagar summit trigpoint

Carn a Choire Bhoidheach
Carn a Choire Bhoidheach

Lochnagar from Carn a' Choire Bhoidheach
Lochnagar from Carn a' Choire Bhoidheach

Looking to Dubh Loch
Looking to Dubh Loch

The (not) summit of Carn an t-Sagairt
The (not) summit of Carn an t-Sagairt

Allt a' Choire Bhoidheach
Allt a' Choire Bhoidheach

At the summit of Cairn Bannoch we crossed paths with the two nice guys we'd been playing tag with all day.

Cairn Bannoch summit
Cairn Bannoch summit

Broad Cairn summit
Broad Cairn summit

Loch Muick
Loch Muick

Tags: munro, outdoor, scotland Written 24/08/19 

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