Coniston to Wetherlam, 2010-07-11

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You have climbed 108/282 munros.

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You have climbed 15/221 Corbetts.

I really fancied an overnight in the Lakes somewhere, and the Coniston area is one I've been to before. Known, but I still had a lot of exploring to do. So where better?!

Parking up at the end of the public road where it meets the Walna Scar road, I had a bite to eat and did the usual faffing about with rucksack and boots. Jakey grew impatient to be off.

It wasn't long, and he did get some of my chicken!

The road is a little rough in places but it not bad and the gentle incline gets you up and away pretty quickly without too many steep bits before you've warmed up.

We made good time to the stone bridge below The Cove.

I headed for Blind Tarn hoping that there wouldn't be anyone in residence already. Not there were a lot of people about, it's just I had a plan and didn't really fancy the alternatives.

Looking back down towards Coniston.

Old Man Breast, well that's what it says on the OS map!

What a great place to set up one's tent. Jake was ready for a snooze.

Weather was okay, quite a lot of high cloud with a little breeze to keep the biting insects down most of the time. Of course as soon as you want to make a phone call, find good enough reception, the breeze drops away completely and the wee beasties come out for their supper. Who says it's only Scotland that has midges!

Jake scoffed his supper very quickly and kept an eye whilst I cooked some pasta to have with my chicken.

After a reasonable nights sleep the next morning was again cloudy and out of the shelter of Blind Tarn Crags there was a raw wind. I almost made use of this one person storm shelter beside the road up towards Brown Pike.

Gaining the ridge line the views open out.

And around to the Old Man for just after 9am we had the summit platform and cairn to ourselves.

The trig point, with the ridge to Swirl How and Wetherlam behind.

Looking down into Coppermines Valley. That's Low Water immediately blow, and Levers Water just visible at middle-left.

Before leaving the Old Man I looked back to Blind Tarn.

Little and Great How crags, and Swirl How from the 796m top.

Looking down Prison Band to Wetherlam, taken from Swirl How.

Jake watching people climbing up Prison Band.

On the way to Wetherlam I looked back down to the col, and up Prison Band. Hmmm. It was great coming down that. But it would have been a lot of work going up. Still. Short and sharp!

Jake it's behind you, you're going the wrong way mate! Wetherlam in the distance.

Whilst I phoned Paul, Jake had another snooze.

Original that I used for that day's 365 photo.

Leaving Wetherlam I headed back to the col so I could wander down to Levers Water for an explore.

Below Levers Water there is a great traverse path that goes round the mines and quarry so you can get back to the end of Walna Scar without having to descend to the miners bridge and then all the way back up. The river crossings have new wooden bridges.

And then it was just join the track back to the car. Despite the morning's cold wind I had an excellent day.

Written 26/07/10 

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