5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

Another Seizure


4th April brought another seizure. As usual I remember nothing about it but Beth wrote it up here. It was preceded some hours earlier as I lay in bed early in the morning by something called a "simple partial seizure", although I didn't identify it at the time as I'd not had one before. It's often a marker for a coming full blown seizure, which is useful to know. I also had a tiny bit of warning of the actual seizure (which I do remember). I felt very dizzy, realised I was in danger and sat down on the floor (this was in the kitchen, nasty hard tiles) before I started.

So I'm now on 2 x 500mg/day of Epilim rather than 2 x 300mg/day. As before the side effects initially were annoying: no nausea this time thank goodness but my thought processes were once again severely messed about with and it took a couple of weeks to calm down. Even as I write this a month on I'm still finding my short term memory is poor and my ability to remember names, never good, is now dire.

More annoying still is that this resets the driving ban clock back another six months.

Written 05/05/03

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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