5x12 pentomino tiling


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The PHP logo is copyright © 1998 The PHP Development Team.

The MySQL logo is copyright © 1995-2000 MySQL AB.

The arrangement of the composite PHP/MySQL image is copyright © 2000 The Hug.

Scans from The Guardian of Oliver Letwin and a lard advert are most probably copyright © 2002 G&MEN Group, and we will burn in hell for reproducing them without permission ... but they are very funny and we have been buying The Guardian every day for two decades now so we don't think they would begrudge us.

The article and image from The New York Times is undoubtedly their copyright but it's difficult for anyone to read them on their web site more than a week after publication so I shall keep my fingers crossed and keep them here.

Trying AI

Everyone is talking about using AI to answer queries so as an experiment I asked Google Gemini a question to which I know the answer. Here's the result.  read more ...

More from the Wiblog ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: