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Trying AI

Everyone is talking about using AI to answer queries so as an experiment I asked Google Gemini a question to which I know the answer. Here's the result.

The question:

How can I object to a short term let licence application made to Highland Council?

Here's the answer. It all looks very plausible at first glance, so people will believe it.

I'd be glad to provide a comprehensive response to your query about how to object to a short-term let license application in Highland Council:

Understanding the Process:

  1. Identify the Application: You can find details about pending applications on the Highland Council's website or by contacting the planning department directly.
  2. Gather Information: Research the potential impacts of the short-term let on your community. This might include:
    • Increased traffic
    • Parking congestion
    • Noise pollution
    • Impact on local amenities
    • Loss of affordable housing
  3. Prepare Your Objection: Write a clear and concise letter outlining your concerns. Be sure to:
    • State your name and address.
    • Clearly identify the application you are opposing.
    • Explain your reasons for objection, providing specific examples and evidence to support your claims.
    • Reference any relevant planning policies or regulations.

Potential Grounds for Objection:

  • Impact on the local community: Noise, traffic, parking, and disturbance.
  • Impact on housing affordability: Short-term lets can reduce the availability of long-term rental properties.
  • Breach of planning regulations: If the application doesn't comply with local planning policies.
  • Environmental concerns: Impacts on wildlife, natural habitats, or protected areas.

Submitting Your Objection:

  • Deadline: Check the Highland Council's website or contact the planning department for the deadline to submit objections.
  • Method: You can typically submit your objection in writing, by email, or online through the council's portal.

Additional Tips:

  • Gather Support: If possible, encourage your neighbors or local community groups to submit objections as well.
  • Consult with Local Representatives: Contact your local councillor or MP to express your concerns.
  • Attend Public Hearings: If a public hearing is scheduled, attend and speak directly to the planning committee.

Remember: The specific process and deadlines may vary, so it's essential to consult the Highland Council's website or contact their planning department for the most up-to-date information.

By following these steps and providing compelling evidence, you can effectively oppose a short-term let license application that may negatively impact your community.

Reads well doesn't it? All very plausible. But here's the problem: it's wrong. Quite a lot. And anyone who follows this advice is going to be very frustrated.

So here it is again, with my comments added in red italics, but before I begin let me make it clear that my question was asking about a short term let application and that's decided by the Licensing Committee, not the Planning Committee, and we're allowed to consider a very specific set of reasons for objection.

I'd be glad to provide a comprehensive response to your query about how to object to a short-term let license application in Highland Council:

Understanding the Process:

  1. Identify the Application: You can find details about pending applications on the Highland Council's website or by contacting the planning department directly. So here's the first problem: AI is muddling planning with licensing so it's already confusing the reader by conflating the two and pointing them to the planning department rather than licensing.
  2. Gather Information: Research the potential impacts of the short-term let on your community. This might include:
    • Increased traffic Not something we can consider at licensing
    • Parking congestion Not something we can consider at licensing
    • Noise pollution
    • Impact on local amenities Not something we can consider at licensing
    • Loss of affordable housing Not something we can consider at licensing
  3. Prepare Your Objection: Write a clear and concise letter outlining your concerns. Be sure to:
    • State your name and address.
    • Clearly identify the application you are opposing.
    • Explain your reasons for objection, providing specific examples and evidence to support your claims.
    • Reference any relevant planning policies or regulations. This is licensing, not planning, so planning policies are unlikely to be relevant.

Potential Grounds for Objection:

  • Impact on the local community: Noise, traffic, parking, and disturbance. The only ones of these which are potential grounds for objection are noise and disturbance. We can't consider traffic or parking, and both are commonly cited as grounds by objectors, especially the latter.
  • Impact on housing affordability: Short-term lets can reduce the availability of long-term rental properties. Not a valid ground for objection.
  • Breach of planning regulations: If the application doesn't comply with local planning policies.
  • Environmental concerns: Impacts on wildlife, natural habitats, or protected areas. Not a valid ground for objection.

Submitting Your Objection:

  • Deadline: Check the Highland Council's website or contact the planning department for the deadline to submit objections. Again the wrong department.
  • Method: You can typically submit your objection in writing, by email, or online through the council's portal. There is no "portal" for short term let licence objections ... there is for planning objections. I see a pattern here.

Additional Tips:

  • Gather Support: If possible, encourage your neighbors [sic] or local community groups to submit objections as well.
  • Consult with Local Representatives: Contact your local councillor or MP to express your concerns. This is not really an issue for your MP: they will probably just pass it on to the local councillor.
  • Attend Public Hearings: If a public hearing is scheduled, attend and speak directly to the planning committee. Again wrong committee. Interestingly the public can speak at Licensing Committee but they can't at Planning Committee so I might try asking it explicitly about a planning application in a minute.1

Remember: The specific process and deadlines may vary, so it's essential to consult the Highland Council's website or contact their planning [no, licensing] department for the most up-to-date information.

By following these steps and providing compelling evidence, you can effectively oppose a short-term let license application that may negatively impact your community.

So overall they're sending people to the wrong department and about half of the grounds they list are not valid when objecting to a short term let application. The objector is not going to be pleased when it gets to committee as the clerk will make that very clear before we even start considering the application.

Now while this is Google Gemini being asked the question then if the resident relies on it that's down to them. What worries me is that officers are talking about using AI on the council's own web site to answer residents queries. Will it do any better?

  1. I did also ask "How can I object to a planning application made to Highland Council?" and got a pretty much identical answer which did indeed say the objector should "attend and speak directly to the planning committee". They have no right to do that.

Tags: web design Written 12/10/24

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