5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I'm sure you're familiar with the "grandfather's axe" meme but my bike (the one I bought in summer 2016) is having a similar sort of journey.  read more ...


My trusty Tesco Hudl 2 died a little while ago. It was a bargain when I bought it and was an excellent 8" Android tablet. So I was left looking around for another and, as it happened, Amazon chose that week to launch the 2017 edition of the Amazon Fire HD 8.  read more ...


I have been wibbling on in the last few posts about my new tripod so I thought it was time I wrote a bit about it here. I've never owned a tripod before, although I do have a monopod. Instead I've relied on Beth's tripods. However even she acknowledges that they're not great.  read more ...


Continuing with my mission to make good use of my new carbon fibre tripod I headed out this evening to a nearby high point with a good view west down the Moray Firth towards Nairn town centre.  read more ...


I was talking in my last blog post about how I'd bought a Garmin eTrex 10. This was mainly for two traditional GPS functions: track recording and route following as, according to Garmin, it's not got any mapping. Except that it does.  read more ...


I have, I confess, being buying new toys. I blame Beth. Oh, and Amazon. You'll remember that a couple of weeks ago we cycled to the mouth of the Findhorn to see the seals. Beth was on her snazzy new fat bike and I was on my Marin San Rafael hybrid. ...  read more ...


As I think we've already established I'm a sucker for a legacy lens, especially Minolta SR mount MC/MD lens or which there are lots, so I tend to browse eBay to see what's about. Back in March as the house move was really getting started I came across a listing described as Minolta XD7 35mm SLR Camera with 3 Lenses Rokkor/Tokina/MD + more bundle/lot. Here's the main photo:  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: