5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Today has been a day of walks. Milton Country Park remains shut, much to the annoyance of people like us who use it twice a day ...  read more ...


My siblings and I have stopped giving each other presents at Christmas and birthdays but our "children" still exchange presents. This is my video of Jake getting his present from Jamie (all a bit dark this one):  read more ...


We bumped into some old friends of ours in the park today: Cassie and Mitch, along Flo with the newest member of their pack.  read more ...


I've not posted here for a while, which is a bit of a contrast to last year's blog fest. ...  read more ...


Beth's been watching Helicopter Heroes via BBC iPlayer for the last couple of weeks so it seems appropriate that we had a visit today. ...  read more ...


Today's plan went to rat shit. For a variety of reasons. The plan was for me to drive Beth to Hawes and she would then walk back along the Pennine Way while I bought some Wensleydale at the cheese shop in Hawes. ...  read more ...


I got up at 5am today for to go to the loo (which for us boys means going outside and finding a bit of dry stone wall) to find that more snow had come down in the night. Not a huge amount ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: