5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


In my last post I was talking about the problems that the Caledonian Sleeper service has been having with their new carriages but said that the Highlander service, which takes passengers from Fort William, Inverness, and Aberdeen to London, had remained on the old carriages for now.  read more ...


Caledonian Sleeper, who run the sleeper services from Scotland to London and back, really are in a mess. A while ago now they ordered new rolling stock, to replace their 30+ year old ex-BR carriages, from a Spanish company called CAF. From what I can remember it was originally due to go live last summer.  read more ...


Last weekend, being our birthday weekend, saw me heading south to Cambridge and then afterwards on to Hampshire to see the family. ...  read more ...


I like travelling by train, which is lucky really given that driving long distances is no longer an option for me since my stroke, but sometimes the dance one has to do in order to find the best route and price drive me nuts.  read more ...


I've just got back from a trip south by train and the longest legs were done on down and up (or up and down if you're a train nerd) the east coast main line. The history of this service is that the previous franchise holders gave it up (I can't remember the precise details now) so for a while it was effectively re-nationalised and run as ECML.  read more ...


Yesterday I had four simple partial seizures. The first in bed, the second in the kitchen while having breakfast, and the third and fourth at about 11:45 and 19:45, both in my study. This is the first time I've had any since the three on 12th August 2008.  read more ...


Ah, the joys of rail franchises. They're planning a new "Cambridge Science Park" (really Cambridge North) railway station which will be a lot easier for me to get to on foot or bike than Waterbeach, the next station north of here. I went to a public meeting about it tonight and asked a question.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: