5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


So today we asked for our final dedicated host at Bytemark to be decommissioned and this seems like a good time to wibble a bit about the rise and fall of that company.  read more ...


I've just wasted a couple of hours banging my head against the wall trying to track down an obscure issue in an old PHP script. Essentially this script appended text to a file in /tmp - it was to provide me with some debug.  read more ...


Today, a year and a half after we started hard filtering on SPF, a new problem: our mail server was rejecting genuine email from us because we had an SPF record.  read more ...


Firefox Quantum Release 57 of Firefox brings us what is essentially a whole new browser, faster and leaner; a quantum leap as it were, which I suppose is why they're calling in Firefox Quantum.  read more ...


I've talked before here about SPF. To recap it is an anti-spam measure and is one we've used for a long while. It works like this. A domain, the-hug.org say, publishes an SPF record as one of its DNS records. This SPF record indicates which IP addresses will send email purporting to come from the-hug.org.  read more ...


HMRC provide some software for small employer called Basic PAYE Tools (BPT) and it runs on Linux, which is cool as we're usually forgotten about.  read more ...


Ever since I got my new PC I've been annoyed that although I had a sexy, fanless Nvidia card waiting to go in it I've not succeeded in getting the Nvidia drivers loaded. Instead Ubuntu kept loading the nouveau drivers.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: