5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


It's been one of those weeks. It started with us noticing that the central heating pump was running even when both hot water and central heating were off. So I phoned our tame plumber ... who was in Germany. But luckily he was about to fly home so he promised he'd pop around.  read more ...


Yesterday I had four simple partial seizures. The first in bed, the second in the kitchen while having breakfast, and the third and fourth at about 11:45 and 19:45, both in my study. This is the first time I've had any since the three on 12th August 2008.  read more ...


Miranda Summer Light Shiraz I've wibbled on before to people about how, despite there being some very drinkable lowish alcohol rose wines about there are no reds worth drinking.  read more ...


I've not been well. Nothing new there you're thinking. And that's true enough which is why I seldom bother writing about it here these days but I've had a bit of a time of it over the last couple of weeks.  read more ...


Very soon now, if you haven't done so already, you should be receiving a leaflet through your door, Better information means better care, about care.data, a new scheme by which information about you held by your doctor will be uploaded from surgeries to one central database. ...  read more ...


My GP is very cool. I think on the quiet he's as much as a geek as me so when I emailed him asking if he could tell me what the repeated platelet count tests I've been having show he sent me all the results as a graph in a PDF using their latest software (still in beta). And here it is:  read more ...


I glanced at my diary this morning and saw that today is the 20th anniversary of my first epileptic fit and for some reason that reminded me that whenever I talk about this I conscious try not to refer to myself as "an epileptic". But then I thought about it some more, and (as Mark Kermode would say) here's the thing: I do refer to myself as "a migraineur".  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: