5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Netflix, bless 'em, have recently opened up the ability to play their content on Linux desktops so long as you use recent versions of Chrome (37 or higher). You couldn't before because Netflix uses HTML5 and a technology called Encrypted Media Extensions to prevent piracy. Those extensions require access to a set of libraries called Network Security Services. Now we have them in Chrome and Netflix opened the floodgates.  read more ...


We finally got to see the two Lancasters today by lurking outside Little Gransden Air Show at the appropriate time. Beth got some good pictures. I got some shaky video but it was worth it for the audio (even allowing for the wind noise and assorted noises off).  read more ...


I have posted this to social meeja in the past but it never does any harm to do it again. This is an excellent little video from Epilepsy Action explaining what to do if you come across someone having a tonic-clonic (aka "grand mal") seizure.  read more ...


Back at Christmas 2010 I got a Veho VCC-003 Muvi Micro DV Camcorder from Beth. It's a tiny little camera which films 640x480 at 25fps AVI onto a micro SD card. Since then I've mainly used it clipped to my jacket while walking in Milton Country Park after that nasty incident with Beth and the Staffordshire Bull Terrier which left me a bit paranoid for a while.  read more ...


This rare day, 29th February, is also Rare Disease Day, an international event to raise the profile of rare diseases and they've produced a rather fine video for it:  read more ...


We've had a rather excellent day here in Melrose. After a somewhat leisurely start (I got up at 8:45am and wandered down to the kitchen only to find no one there so I walked into Melrose to get some papers - there was someone up when I got back) we walked up the Eildon Hills to look at the view.  read more ...


Some of the gang went to Bletchley Park for the first vintage computer festival a couple of weeks ago ago. It was covered by BBC Click and they spotted Hugo standing in front of an Acorn sounding like he knew what he was talking about so persuaded him to do a piece to camera and he came out with a great metaphor for how writing software used to be.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: