5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


As I'm sure you know pretty much all smartphones now have a GPS in but the problem if you want to use them to record a track is that it canes your battery. So you end up either piggy backing it with a battery pack or, if you're in the car, keeping it plugged into the charger.  read more ...


We've had a rather excellent day here in Melrose. After a somewhat leisurely start (I got up at 8:45am and wandered down to the kitchen only to find no one there so I walked into Melrose to get some papers - there was someone up when I got back) we walked up the Eildon Hills to look at the view.  read more ...


We walked around Wicken Fen today, with the emphasis on around in that we circumnavigated it without going into the bit where they encourage you to pay £5.99 a pop.  read more ...


After a long struggle the first public release of our mapping application, rewritten to use the Ordnance Survey's OpenSpace server is now online at last. As before it lets you browse the country using Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale maps and both create routes to download for use on your GPS and upload tracks from your GPS to see where you've been.  read more ...


As I said in my last posting spring is here and it's glorious. We walked from Bottisham across Quy Fen to Lode Mill and back this afternoon. The sun was shining and there was very little wind. I couldn't stop grinning.  read more ...


Now that my mapping software is on the Walkhighlands site I've been able to look again at some tracks from my GPS on 1:25,000 and compare with the 1:50,000...  read more ...


Today has been a day of walks. Milton Country Park remains shut, much to the annoyance of people like us who use it twice a day ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: