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Stroke Diary

The Follow Up MRI Scan


Meanwhile you may remember that in December my consultant said another MRI scan would be a good idea, just to check the diagnosis is correct and there's nothing new happening in my pons but I hadn't had an appointment. When I had the seizure in April the doctor I spoke to at our surgery (not my usual GP) suggested chasing this and gave me the MRI unit number.

I did and ... they had no knowledge of my consultant asking for a scan! They suggested I talk to the consultant's secretary and get the request re-submitted and to indicate on it that it should have been raised last December and they would then bear that in mind when scheduling it. The consultant's secretary also suggested she do this before I could even mention it.

I then got an appointment, in late August, so only eight months after it was first mooted.

My GP thought this wasn't unusual and I was more worried about the OZC referral so I didn't chase it and neither, I assume, did he. However shortly after the PALS lady did her work I got a new MRI appointment in June. Why I'm not sure as I didn't mention this issue to her.

Written 18/05/03

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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