
Policing Scotland


Before we moved up here I can remember watching a six part documentary on Police Scotland and what was striking was that, outwith the central belt, policing was very different to down south with a real community emphasis.

Now we're here we've noticed one way this manifests is that missing persons are taking really seriously up here with press releases and posts on social media. Not just underage either, it seems to apply to anyone which makes it very different to England where the impression I've always had is that the police's view generally is "they're an adult, if they choose to disappear that's nothing to do with us".

This is all very fine but the story which finally made finally get around to writing about Scottish police priorities was Toddler hit with boiled egg in 'despicable' assault which read in part:

A toddler was hit with a boiled egg in a "despicable" assault by a man in Moray.

The boy was playing in a garden on Califer Road, Forres, when his attacker walked in and threw the egg at him, causing him to fall.

Police said the child's injuries were not serious but both he and his mother were left shaken and upset by the incident.

Detectives are now appealing for anyone with information on the assault to get in touch.

Constable David Baird said: "This is a particularly despicable incident where a person has thrown an object which has struck a defenceless young toddler.

What struck me was that although the child's injuries were "not serious" the police were still taking it very seriously. I can't imagine that happening around Cambridge: the police simply wouldn't have the time.

On balance I think I prefer the Scottish way.

Written 27/04/17

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