Beth's Stuff, of a Random Nature

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 107/282 munros.

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 14/221 Corbetts.

Beinn Iutharn Mhor

A looong walk-in to a remote hill, surrounded by peat bog, rivers on each side, very steep in places? Oh, okay then! I'd failed at this hill before. I'd marched along the track through Glen Ey into a head wind to get the long walk in done and over with. By the time I'd reached the ruins of Altanour Lodge I was spent, burst and utterly finished. So this time with a light breeze and much longer day length I took my time.  read more ...



Tolmount and Tom Buidhe

Paul dropped us off at the wee Allt a Gharbh-Choire car park just 2km north of the Glenshee ski centre with a plan to do 3 munros. Carn an Tuirc is on the way to the other 2, but Cairn of Claise was so near and since I felt pretty good with such lovely weather, I thought it would be rude not to. So we did 4 munros, 2 old and 2 new to me.  read more ...



Beinn Alligin, Tom na Gruagaich and Sgurr Mor

We started out early. I'd been awake since around 4am and dozed for an hour or so after, finally getting up around 6:30. Sunrise had taken it's time to get going but once the sun peeped above the hills the temperature lifted quickly. It was going to be a warm day. Jumping out the camper around 7:45am I soon found the midges were out and being annoying, there was little breeze in the car park to carry them away.  read more ...



Tom na Gruagaich - Beinn Alligin

Some days you just get your legs into an almost effortless rhythm, that fine steady 'alpine pace' that takes you up steep hills in a relative breeze. This was not one of them. I hadn't slept well, people arriving in the car park after midnight woke me with headlights blazing and doors slamming. It took me at least another hour to settle again before dozing off. So I was tired before I even started.  read more ...



Beinn Eighe - Spidean Coire nan Clach, Ruadh-stac Mor

I'd only planned to do the first munro on the ridge, Spidean Coire nan Clach - peak of the coire of stones and then head back down. However, it turned into a bit of a longer day. We set out slowly or rather I did, Skye ranging ahead but also doubling back to check on me; a behaviour I encourage. One of these days I should really put a GPS in her rucksack to see how much further she travels!  read more ...




After the failure to get up a hill near Braemar a few weeks ago I thought it was about time to get a success. Moruisg is south of Achnasheen on the way into Glen Carron. Whilst the short summit ridge is scattered with rock the approach is across moorland with a large side order of peat bog. It also includes a section of steep ground much of which is also wet, the ground didn't dry out at all until close to the top.  read more ...



Maol Chean-Dearg - from Coulags, Strathcarron

Maol Chean-Dearg means the bald red head hill on account of the lower slopes being quartzite but the top is of red Torridonian sandstone.  read more ...



Carn Bhac, Glen Ey, Braemar

Carn Bhac meaning rocky hill of the peat banks. In practise it's a bump surrounded by boggy tiger-striped heathery peat hags capped with a scattering of quartzite boulders. The approach via Glen Ey, between Braemar and the Linn of Dee, is quite pretty, you pass the interestingly named The Colonels Bed, and old ruined walls hint at time of a once much greater occupation. But my eye's are drawn to the stark green and purple stripes from muirburn. It's the 8th of August, it'll soon be a poor time to be a grouse. "Welcome to the moor", indeed.  read more ...



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