Beth's Stuff, of a Random Nature

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 108/282 munros.

Climbed by year and month


You have climbed 15/221 Corbetts.

New Year Resolutions

Well here is 2015. I don't usually do new year resolutions as I always break them. Perhaps, tho, it is time to change that and try to write some down. If only as a reminder for myself.  read more ...   (01/01/15)



I love watching videos people have made of their walks. There is the curiosity factor and the 'what am I going to be letting myself in for' factor too. If it's a bit dodgy I'd really like to see what it's like as I walk with Jessie the dog. I don't want to push her limits too much at a time let alone mine. It is videos that contain video of course, moving pictures, not a glorified slideshow with still photographs dissolving in the rain or sliding, panning, zooming from the left and the right alternately. That's enough to drive me bonkers.  read more ...   (30/12/12)


Wild Stripes are wild

Well, thank goodness that's christmas over with. Still got Paul's relatives to see and then new year. As I get older I seem to get more apprehensive about what is going to, or might, happen each year. A natural reaction to the rubbish dealt with this year perhaps. I reckon the person who said "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" was wrong! Anyway, I got some good pressies.   (26/12/12)


Wow, nearly a year!

That's pretty rubbish, and slightly annoying because I know how poor it looks when you find someone's blog that looks vaguely interesting only to discover it hasn't been updated in ages and perhaps they've lost interest in it. Hmmm. My excuse is that for much of the time I wouldn't have had anything interesting let alone nice to say. And really, does anyone want to read stuff that is just a tale of woe. Well, not me!  read more ...   (02/08/12)


You only realise what you've got when it's gone

It's what my GP said to me just yesterday. I mentioned I could happily lay awake all night just moving my left leg around the bed feeling the cool cotton sheets. It's almost sensuous. Not a word I'd use to describe your ordinary bog standard bed sheets usually. However stick a cast on your lower leg and foot for 3 months and you'll see what I mean. In fact the first night without the cast I did just that.  read more ...   (28/07/11)



Since coming back from Scotland I've been pretty tired. Not the completely exhausted, brain dead, shattered of old. Don't know why. My Crohn's has been surprisingly quiet so I don't think it's that. Possible that I did bring back a virus. Hope not.  read more ...   (10/02/10)


And Onward

What with missing a gabapentin dose recently and the country park being closed I've been in a bit of a mood the last few days, so I haven't got much done, just expended a lot of energy being in a strop. I need to move on.   (14/01/10)


My desk is black...

...all over! I was pretty sure it was, but honestly, I hadn't seen it for a while. So I thought I'd try to tidy it a bit of all the papers and rubbish that had accumulated. Most of it got filed under WPB.   (02/01/09)


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