5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

A Headache Free Month


So it's month since I last wrote about this and it turns out that the eight day cluster I was describing then was the last of the headaches. I've not had a single headache of any severity since. I've even managed the odd quarter bottle of wine and glass of madeira in the last week or so without coming to any harm so I think I'm through it, touch wood.

So that seems to be the medication-overuse headaches, which have been plaguing me since last November, sorted out at last.

Now we wait and see if the topiramate has actually worked in stopping me getting migraines as it's not unusual for me to go a month without one in normal years in the summer so that I've been headache free for a month doesn't necessarily mean it's working. It'll be another few months before I'm convinced about that.

Still, it does mean I can eat butter again as it's side effects include weight loss so I've cranked up my calorie intake to compensate. Heaven.

Written 21/08/11

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A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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