5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

Greenwich Mean Time


So, the clocks have gone back, tomorrow's the first of November, and today I've had only my second migraine since June. Nothing if not predictable my brain. Sigh.

Still, on the plus side I weighed 14st 8lb this morning so although the topiramate may not have completely got rid of the migs it's certainly a great way to loose weight.

Where this all leaves me I'm not sure. In truth although the weight loss with topiramate is fun it's actually been tricky to control: I've actually been actively pigging out on fattening food like cakes and butter to keep the weight on and even then my weight is still gently drifting down. I now weight a stone less than I did when I started on it.

On the plus side after having such a lousy time from last November through to June I've actually been migraine free over the Summer bar one isolated incident. I generally have a lot less migraines in the Summer but it's never been this quiet.

So at the moment I guess we just wait and see what happens over the next few weeks, and continue to monitor my weight.

Written 31/10/11

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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