5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

A Funny Day and an Expected One


Since the Mother of All Clusters at the back end of last year I've been somewhat better with odd migraines and days when I've been below par but it's not been too bad and, as usual, now we're into BST it's got a lot better. However two weekends ago I had a very odd time while at our shooting club: dizzy spells, neuralgia, extra numbness in my scalp, the whole nine yards. Very odd. It lasted about three hours before fading away. No idea why.

Then yesterday I had a classic migraine which left me on the sofa and then in bed for half the afternoon. That though wasn't unexpected: the day before we'd had some "excitement" to deal with involving our elderly neighbour which involved getting the doctor out and generally rushing around. Just the sort of stressful day to trigger an attack the following day.

Written 05/07/08

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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