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Stroke Diary

The Mother of All Clusters


On Saturday, 27th October I had a migraine. That was seven and a half weeks ago and I've been having two or three a week ever since. Three and a half weeks in I wrote this article in my regular blog when I was in the mood for a whine. I won't go over it all in details as what I wrote there has most of the gory details but I've since had another two migraines with aura too, just to add to my fun.

Now I'm half way through week eight. Bear in mind my previous record was about three weeks. Last week I was ill on Sunday, Monday, Wednesday and Friday - so out of six days I was only well on two of them.

Then I had a bit of a break. I was well on Saturday and Sunday and we went for longish walks, in the bitter cold of mid-December, both days. It was good to be out. Yesterday my sister came to see me. I was well and it was great to see her but I was wrecked afterwards.

And today, well today I'm ill again. Not migraine this time so much - I think it's more stress related. My scalp is tight on the right hand side and I feel crap and I've done nothing today except sleep and watch Sports Night.

It is, finally, starting to get me down. I've done stoic. Now I'm doing royally pissed off. It's Christmas in a week, Beth's got lots of holiday booked and I was looking forward to us having a nice break together. Looks like it's going to be broken up by me being ill now.



Update 2007-12-31

The cluster finally ended with one last migraine on Christmas Eve but I've been fine since. One hell of a long cluster. When I went to my GP with it he said they just do that some times. I hope it's a long while to the next one.

Written 18/12/07

« From the beginning »
I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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