5x12 pentomino tiling

Stroke Diary

Slightly Blurred


It's ages since I posted anything here, mainly because not a lot new has happened ... until today, which I'll come back to in a moment. In general the pattern has remained that migraines, both with and without the headache are my biggest problem, wiping out most of the day when they happen. They continue to come in clusters, so I can be free of them for a while, several weeks sometimes, then I get a series of episodes over a week or so with migraines every other day or so. I think the worse I've had this year was about 12 days.

And then there's the dizziness, which can catch me out sometimes, and other little "oddities" that make life fun.

Which brings me to today. I kept cleaning my glasses this morning as the right lens seemed to be dirty. Eventually it dawned on me that it was my eye not my glasses. So into the kitchen for Optrex. No help.

I phoned Beth to tell her and say I was going to try to get an emergency appointment my optician. While I was telling her this tale it dawned on me it was my right eye. The significance being that it's my right side where I've got numbness from the stroke.

Uh oh.

So instead I phoned my GP who told me to come down for him to take a look at. He saw me within the hour. By the time he saw me I'd worked out what seemed be happening was that my right eye was no longer adjusting its focus. It was fixed at about 3', without my glasses on. Anyway he did his usual neurological tests (not least because if you're having a bleed you can bleed into the eye) but all was well so he suspects it's unrelated and he's sent me off to see my optician.

I've got an appointment at 11am tomorrow, which was the earliest that they could fit me in.

It's funny: for anyone else having an eye which suddenly went dodgy would be a concern - for me the relief that it's not another bleed is far more of a factor.

Update 10/07/07:

it was somewhat better today but my friendly optician (the wonderful David Murphy) gave me a quick once over anyway. He said it just happens and it's nothing to worry about. It was probably the muscles which control the lens in that eye going into spasm. They just do that sometimes.

Written 09/07/07

« From the beginning »
I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: