Web Pages
Other pages about people's strokes and brain injuries:
Terri Horne's homepage - Terri's not an oldster either but she had a stroke in December 1996, and a lot worse than mine. She was in a coma for a couple of weeks and in hospital for over half a year so her road to recovery has been a lot more interesting than mine.
Jane Lapotaire - the actor, had
a brain haemorrhage two years before me and she's written a book
Out of Mind about her experiences, which
this article in The Guardian discusses. It rang a lot of bells, although she's obviously had a much rougher time than me.
- Rik Mayall - had an accident with a quad bike which resulted in him fracturing his skull and haemorrhaging in two places. He now suffers from tonic clonic seizures and is on phenytoin. I found this interview, written not long afterwards, interesting as it identifies things I'm very familiar with, for example: not drinking, using the wrong words, and problems concentrating if there was more than one stimulus in the room.
Organisations which can help:
- Cavernoma
- Cavernoma Alliance (UK)
The Angioma Alliance
- "a non-profit international voluntary health organization created by people affected by cavernous angioma"
- Cavernoma Alliance (UK)
- Stroke
- The Stroke Association (UK)
- National Stroke Association (US)
- Different Strokes
- "A Charity Set up by Younger Stroke Survivors for Younger Stroke Survivors"
- Epilepsy
- Epilepsy Action
- The National Society for Epilepsy
- Medic Alert - I wouldn't go out without mine on