5x12 pentomino tiling

Paul's Photo Wibblings


34/365 - Lochindorb

No PoTD yesterday as I was too busy with work. Today I paid for that with a mig so in the afternoon we went for a drive over to Granton to see some friends and on the way we stopped off at Lochindorb to take some photos of the castle. I did take some closer to the castle, but I like the sky on this one with the castle in the distance in silhouette.


32/365 - Not An Aurora

A day pretty much wasted today as I had an all day mig, which is still lingering now, but a false alarm led me out aurora hunting. I didn't find any but one of the thirty second exposures did catch this.


31/365 - Another Nairn Sunset

They continue to be rather fine. I've cloned out the street lights for a change.


29/365 - Gorse on Nairn Beach

A lovely day today, such a contrast to yesterday, so we went for a walk down to the beach where the tide was well in (it's also springs). The gorse is really coming out now.

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: