5x12 pentomino tiling

Paul's Photo Wibblings


25/365 - Burns' Night

Crappy phone photo this as I had other priorities, but you get the idea.


Rydal Cave

Classic example of the best camera is the one that's with you. I really needed a better camera for this shot but at least my phone camera app will let me over and under expose so I was able to push the EV so I could see inside the cave a little while deliberately blowing out the entrance.


Oldham Christmas 2013

So as is (semi-) traditional my sibs and I gathered at my parents house yesterday with husbands, wives, children and dogs. Dad took a photo with his little compact which he's just emailed to me so here it is. I am still the tallest but Jamie is now over 6' and is only 16 so I may lose the crown shortly.


The Swan Whisperer

Quite how Beth first managed to get the parent swan to come over and sit so very close to her while she took photos and then for the parent to be so unconcerned when the cygnets turned up too and got even closer I'm not sure, but it was quite a thing to watch.

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: