5x12 pentomino tiling

Paul's Photo Wibblings


4/365 - The New Camera

The new camera arrived today. It's a Sony α7II and it's got a full frame 24Mpixel sensor so a step up from the NEX-6 in that regard which was 16MPixel APS-C but, most importantly, it's got in body image stabilisation, aka IBIS, which means all my old lens are suddenly able to work at much slower speeds. So this one, as you'll see, was shot at 1/13s hand held. There's no way I could do that with that lens on the NEX-6.


First Aurora

Last night saw AuroraWatch UK declare an amber alert so armed with my trusty Sony NEX-6 with Beth's Samyang 12mm f/2 lens mounted on it, and a new carbon fibre tripod and an IR remote shutter release (yes, more new toys) we headed out to the nearest point with a clear view over the Moray Firth, which is only a short walk away.  read more ...


Another Lens?!

Minolta MD Tele Rokkor 135mm F3.5 Yes, I've bought another lens. I am turning into a lens junky. But this one was steal. It's a Minolta MD Tele Rokkor 135mm F3.5 and it was on eBay at an opening bid of £14.99 plus £4.98 P&P. There are a lot of 135mm Minolta lens floating about on eBay at the moment. Most are the older MC spec rather than MD and of the MDs there are they come in two flavours: F2.8 and F3.5.  read more ...


Sigma 19mm F2.8 DN | A

My new prime lens for my Sony NEX-6 arrived yesterday. It's a Sigma 19mm F2.8 DN | A so in old money that's the equivalent of a 28.5mm lens on a film camera. So it's wide. It's also fast.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: