5x12 pentomino tiling

Geolocating Photos


I've been playing around with an Android app called FLV-5 on my Motorola Defy phone today. It tries to bring your phone closer to an SLR in terms of abilities (within the limits of a phone camera1). One of the features it's got is bracketing so I've upgraded my stacking script to cope with a stack from a Defy (I've added an example to the bottom of that article).

But another facility it has is the ability to write geolocation information in the photo's EXIF data. You can set it to only use the GPS, if it's on, or to use whatever the phone can offer. So here's a (stacked) image taken in our garden of one of the squirrels which is living in our fence. As the phone is connected to our WiFi at the time it knows exactly where it is, as you can see from the EXIF data and I've upgraded the software driving this site to display the map you can see below it.

Now I've just got to remember not to use it when photographing fugitives from the law ...

  1. Phone cameras are fixed aperture for example, so no aperture priority and shutter priority is achieved by varying the ISO.

Written 15/12/12
File Name:FLV5_2012-12-15_13-38-26_stacked.jpg
File Size:515KB
Date/Time Taken:2012-12-15 13:38:22
Exposure Time:0.007345s
F Number:f/2.8
Focal Length:4mm
Focal Length In 35mm Film:30mm
Location*:0° 9' 53" E,   52° 14' 39" N

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