5x12 pentomino tiling



Last year I posted a photo of a benchmark on Milton parish church. On Saturday afternoon I was in Nairn high street with my camera and chanced across another one so took this photo. It's been pushed heavily to black and white (although it was pretty monochrome already).

It's on the front on Nairn Sheriff Court. Here's a wider shot:

I discovered since then that unlike Milton there are still a lot of existing benchmarks scattered about Nairn and using a very old OS map I tracked down two more, and also chanced on another two, while wandering around town on Monday.

So I can feel another little project coming on, combining my loves of all things map related with photography in one ...

Tags: maps, Nairn, photos Written 11/10/16
File Name:20161008_150421_07798_bw.jpg
File Size:4213KB
Date/Time Taken:2016-10-08 15:04:21
Exposure Time:1/125s
F Number:f/8
Focal Length:unknown
Focal Length In 35mm Film:unknown
Lens Model:Minolta MD Zoom 35-70mm f/3.5 MDIII
Location:3° 52' 7" W,   57° 35' 6" N

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