5x12 pentomino tiling

21/365 - On East Beach


We wandered down to Nairn East Beach this afternoon with the dogs. Another lovely sunny day, although a lot colder with frost on the sand(!) but no wind so you didn't really feel it in the sun.

Tags: Nairn, photos Written 21/01/17
File Name:20170121_144049_00440_shop.jpg
File Size:6652KB
Date/Time Taken:2017-01-21 14:40:49
Exposure Time:1/500s
F Number:f/8
Focal Length:58mm
Focal Length In 35mm Film:unknown
Lens Model:Helios 44-2 58mm f/2
Location:3° 50' 20" W,   57° 35' 53" N

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