5x12 pentomino tiling

43/365 - Findhorn Beach Huts


Unlike the Hopeman beach huts these ones are brand spanking new, being built this year and I believe some are still for sale. I'm slightly surprised they were allowed to build them at all but it has been very sympathetically and carefully done.

Anyway on this cold but clear Sunday morning they made a fine photo with the Moray in the background. This is straight off the camera, no post production needed.

Tags: photos, Scotland Written 12/02/17
File Name:20170212_114751_00599.jpg
File Size:7936KB
Date/Time Taken:2017-02-12 11:47:51
Exposure Time:1/320s
F Number:f/8
Focal Length:135mm
Focal Length In 35mm Film:unknown
Lens Model:Minolta MD Tele Rokkor 135mm f/3.5
Location:3° 37' 6" W,   57° 39' 49" N

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