5x12 pentomino tiling

Paul's Photo Wibblings


50/365 - Falls of Foyers

I wasn't great today so we went for a drive and chanced upon the Falls of Foyers. We've been to signposted waterfalls before and been disappointed but this one was quite something. Individual photos don't do justice to the size of the thing so this one is three landscape format photos stitched together vertically with hugin - look at the trees at the top.


46/365 - Gemini Explorer

Beth's post to Facebook sums up our outing today:  read more ...


43/365 - Findhorn Beach Huts

Unlike the Hopeman beach huts these ones are brand spanking new, being built this year and I believe some are still for sale. I'm slightly surprised they were allowed to build them at all but it has been very sympathetically and carefully done.  read more ...


41/365 - Zola

So the PoTD project has gone to pot. That took a month. Oh well, never mind, here's Zola, who lives all alone in a field next to the path down to east beach. It's a very heavy crop as I had the wrong lens on but it didn't come out too badly considering.

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: