5x12 pentomino tiling

Paul's Photo Wibblings



Well, I've failed to take any photos for the Milton Produce Show competition but while wandering around Milton Country Park looking at the water I came across these.



Walking Jack through Milton Country Park today I saw this blossom being highlighted by the morning sun. I only had my phone with me but took a couple of snaps and, miracle of miracles, it focused on the blossom the second time.



As most people know by now Jake was taken from us very unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon. Beth wrote a very eloquent obituary and I don't think there's much I can add except that every time I read it I want to cry again. But I did dig out this photo, a crop of which is currently my avatar all over the place. It was taken by Beth on 5th May and I do like it: one man and his dog.


The Swan Whisperer

Quite how Beth first managed to get the parent swan to come over and sit so very close to her while she took photos and then for the parent to be so unconcerned when the cygnets turned up too and got even closer I'm not sure, but it was quite a thing to watch.

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: