5x12 pentomino tiling

The King is Dead ...


... long live the King. This is the new King's Cross concourse. I saw it being built and I've seen photos of it by various people but it's the first time I've been inside myself. The phone camera struggled a bit with the light and I have experimented with adjusting the levels but it works best straight off the camera so here it is. So that's two stunning bits of architecture in one evening. My cup overflows.

Tags: architecture, photos, trains Written 29/11/12
File Name:2012-11-28_21.49.29.jpg
File Size:799KB
Date/Time Taken:2012-11-28 21:49:29
Exposure Time:1/40s
F Number:f/2.8
Focal Length:4mm
Focal Length In 35mm Film:30mm
Location*:0° 7' 29" W,   51° 31' 53" N

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