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Diet Woes


Well I'm now three weeks into my diet and other than still using up the last of the butter I'm on plan however after a good initial start my weight has been going up for the last couple of days (although I'm still below the target line as you'll see from the chart). This despite walking into town twice last weekend, a good walk on Sunday, two walks a day with Jake rather than the usual one, and cycling into town last night1.

But on the other side I had a big curry last Friday night and a thai at the Wrestlers on Saturday and last night. Plus I discovered Waitrose 85kcal ice lollies and I confess I've had three of those this week. Bad boy ... but less than 250kcal so all in all it shouldn't have made much difference.

And finally I've not been making bread as Beth's away, which means I've been eating small rolls, two per day, for lunch. Normally I have one sandwich. Probably the same total filling but more bread in the rolls. Ho hum.

Anyway Beth's back soon so things should return to normal a bit.

I'm still hungry a lot of the time though so you'd think I'd be losing weight.

  1. And back from town in the rain, which wasn't much fun. On the other hand as I passed the sewage works heading for the bridge I came across a muntjac. It on the verge between the cycle path and their fence so couldn't really get away so it just ran in front of me for quite some distance at the same speed as me but about 15 feet from me. It's the nearest I've been to one and for such a long time too.

Written 29/01/10

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