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Charlie's 50th Birthday Party (1)


This was a quick one day outing to Farnborough to celebrate the 50th birthday of Jonathan "Charlie" Williams who I was at school and King's with. Only a few of the old gang made it but Chris & Sheena and Pete & Jean were there.

Charlie and Sheena
Charlie and Sheena

The only other photo I took at the party and everyone has their back turned except Charlie\'s son Mark
The only other photo I took at the party and everyone has their back turned except Charlie's son Mark

As for the train journey it was pretty uneventful other than the rain at Waterbeach both when I left and when I got back (where Beth reported that it started seconds before the train arrived).

Farnborough station - still a pretty little building
Farnborough station - still a pretty little building

The other thing that made me smile on the way back is that they're doing serious works on Kings Cross at the moment so the inside of the roof is covered in cloth to protect the punters below and it's rather beautiful: it looks like Christo has been at work!

Written 30/05/10

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