5x12 pentomino tiling

Glasgow to Home (1)


Having got down to Glasgow from Mallaig it seemed a shame not to spend a little time there as I'd only ever passed through Glasgow, never stopped. So I booked into the Alexander Thompson hotel1 for a couple of nights.

My room is the second one in at top left hand corner with the curtains open
My room is the second one in at top left hand corner with the curtains open

The architecture of Glasgow impressed me a lot and I spent most of the next day looking up above the shops the four or five story Victorian buildings and their fancy stonework. Take a look at the album to see them all but here's a couple of examples.

Another place that I loved the look of was this bridge over the road for Glasgow Central station. Isn't it marvellous?

I also went on a pilgrimage to The House for an Art Lover which gave me an excuse to play on Glasgow's buses and also some quiet time as Bellahouston Park is lovely with an excellent walled garden to chill out in on what turned out to be a sunny day after a shaky start.

The House for an Art Lover
The House for an Art Lover

Anyway enough of the tourism the actual journey back was pretty straightforward. Friday morning I went to Glasgow Central and caught the train to Edinburgh. I'd left enough time to have a wander there for a while so I went to the café at Edinburgh Art Galleries for tea and scones.

Then it was back to the station to get on my favourite train, the East Coast main line Edinburgh to Peterborough which, as usual, I did first class ... except that the air con on the coach I was booked into was broken.

On the hottest day of the year.

With me sat next to a big bloke with B.O.

The guard came on the speaker and suggested we all move to the next coach. There I found a table for four with one person on it so we sat diagonally opposite each other. I even got a window seat. And it was in the left side so I could look out over the sea at the Farne Islands. Result.

  1. A fairly basic hotel but clean and cheap with big rooms, comfortable beds and free WiFi. Breakfast was a bit "motorway service area" but perfectly edible at for about £40 a night in central Glasgow I thought it was a pretty good deal.

Written 28/05/10

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