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New Phone and giffgaff


I've already wibbling on about this on facebook so apologies if you've already seen me mention this already but I've just signed up for a SIM with giffgaff. Stupid name, strange proposition but essentially they're offering a connection on O2's network with very reasonable pricing (8p/min to mobiles and landlines, 4p texts, same as Tesco apparently, and free to other phones on giffgaff including video calls1).

Nokia 6760 It's a pay as you go (PAYG) SIM. Now I'm a fan of PAYG as I just don't do the calls to justify a contract but having to top up (as I do with Vodafone) is a pain. But with this bunch you can set high and low watermarks and it does it for you (and sends you an SMS when it does). That's nice.

But what really grabbed my attention was 100MB a day of data for free for the first six months so long as you top up at least £10 every three months.

I was already eyeing up a Nokia 6760 Slide as my Christmas present to me and I really needed a data contract of some sort for that. This was perfect.

Why the Nokia 6760? Well, it's got a proper keyboard, and all the reviews really rate it for text entry. I don't get on that well with T9: it's OK for entering a short SMS but whenever I need to reply to email I end up picking up the phone. That sucks. I've also never really got on with soft keyboards (as now found on the iPhone and most Android phones).

It also runs Symbian S60 so there's a good number of free apps including for example Google Maps, which can read position off the A-GPS on the phone.

So the 6760 is the answer (hopefully). Cheaper too.

Oh yeah, and giffgaff have a "refer a friend" scheme so if you're tempted to sign up too then let me do it for you and you get a £5 credit on your account and I get a £5 introduction fee. Result.

  1. Although who ever makes a video call?

Tags: toys Written 30/11/09

Previous comments about this article:

On 03/12/09 at 9:55am Paul wrote:

Of course what I really wanted was a Motorola Dext MB200 which is an Android phone with a proper slide out keyboard like the 6760 but that's currently only available in the UK on Orange.

On 30/11/11 at 10:40am Paul Webster wrote:

How has this been Paul - you still use it / recommend?

On 30/11/11 at 10:59am Paul wrote:

Yup, still on giffgaff and still recommending it to people. It's no longer quite as cheap as it was but it's still a very reasonable proposition. I normally run my current Android phone on their straight PAYG tariff (rather than a "goodybag") and that costs me 20p/day for up to 20MB/day of data (and I never use that much, it's mainly just my phone checking for new email automatically).

As Beth's on giffgaff too calls and texts to her are free so my typical spend per month is about £7. Bargain.

When we're away (like when we came up to see you) I buy a £10 goodybag and that gives me truly unlimited data for a month.

The only downside is that they use O2 which these days is the weakest of the networks in terms of coverage, but it's not still bad.

And if you're thinking of switching then if I order you a SIM you get a £5 credit and so do I ...

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